Discussion: TIME TO GO

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  • Lillian on Apr 7 2010 @ 10:21 PM

    Well, I did what I said I would never do - retire - I thought maybe it was time to hang it up and be a lady of leisure - wrong - I guess it really wasn't time to go after all - I find myself so bored - everyday is like a Saturday - I find myself asking what day is this - the days have no meaning - at first I did all the closet cleaning, straightening drawers, all the things I would think about at the office that i could do if I wasn't working - well, now I have done them all because I am not working - I know jobs are hard to find but I am willing to work just part-time to be around people, keep my mind active, interact, make decisions but here I am finding myself at 11:30 a.m. saying do I really need to get out of bed. Any suggestions..this is most depressing.

  • beres8011 on Feb 24 2013 @ 1:13 PM

    Try becoming a member of the ETR Group. This feedback has helped me.
