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Group Search Results

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Your search yielded 70 results.

  • Empty Nest what do I do now


    As many of us are now experiencing that feeling of "isn't there someone who needs my help?" Lets share, help, and find others who are experiencing the same feelings. Maybe we can help each other to solutions. I recently have been looking into foster care...?

  • Seek His Face


    Looks to be the first Christian group on Snabbo; Feb 2014; To better define what Christian is: a follower of Christ who believes in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as revealed in the KJV version of the Bible. Not expecting any human to be perfect in the flesh however, if we are truly followers of Christ then we are forgiven of much and will be on a journey with Christ in control and doing good deeds because we love Him who loved us first and want to please God.

  • Horses


    Open to any one who owns or enjoys the Equine !

  • Drawing World kids


    Let us show you Drawings and Paintings

  • Ben and Mom Shoot the World!


    A group for lovers of film and documentaries, and for people who lived through the 'SIxties or wish they had. Also for parents who have done projects with their kids, no matter how old they are!

  • Yoga/Harmonium % Chant


    Looking to start a discussion about chaning and using the harmonium, an Indian musical instument. Who has played this insturment? Who does chanting? How do you get started?

  • Our Friends Place


    Our Friends Place provides an important and unique service to the most under-served and vulnerable populations - girls and young women. Through therapeutic residential care and teaching independent living skills, at-risk girls and young women are able to experience a safe and stable home environment. This care, which they might not otherwise receive, helps them to stabilize and teaches them the skills they need to rebuild their lives and become economically self-sufficient.

  • Give Love Give Life-Ovarian Cancer Research


    Marcheline Bertrand and John Trudell, developed the concept of Give Love Give Life as a means to raise public awareness about womens cancers. Their thought was to utilize music as a means to raise the resources vital to combating ovarian and other gynecological cancers. During the summer of 2006, it was decided to make womens health and national health insurance for women and children a focal point of Give Love Give Life. http://www.givelovegivelife.net

  • The Watchman Council


    A place where Watchmen can share resources and encourage one another.

  • Road Trips


    Our plans are to visit as many of the USA National/State Parks and Treasures as we can as well as other interesting sites. Besides the challenges of traveling, we are also Nutritional Vegans, living a Plant-Based Lifestyle, so have surmounted some challenges when it comes to dining, restaurants and hotel/motel accommodations. Read more at http://roadtrip.skipstein.com/