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Group Search Results

Below are the results of your group search. You can modify your search using the controls to the left.


Your search yielded 70 results.

  • Fishbowl Cards for kids and adults with disabilities


    A greeting card and gift company that focuses on kids and adults with disabilities. A product line that reflects the celebration of hope, improvement, achievement, love, and support that children and adults with disabilities, their families and friends experience everyday. My goal for Fishbowl Cards is to bring autonomy to the disabled community and educate those without disabilities. Please visit www.fishbowlcards.com to view the line and read about my mission.

  • What it means to be American


    What is a nation and a people? Are borders important? Citizenship? Nationality? Patriotism? Culture, morals, laws? Vattel's "Natural Law and the Law of Nations", Plato's "Republic", and Smith's "Wealth of Nations" provide fuel for interesting discussions.

  • Global Concerns


    Anything from the economy, unrest, propaganda, globalization problems. Foreign new and events that effect the USA

  • Animal Rights & Supporter's


    It is appalling, the abuse and denial of a happy, pain free exsistence, animals in their thousands face daily...Some only catch a few breaths after birth, before they are murdered.Many because they were born the wrong sex...Many harvested solely for their flesh, We as their human carers have failed the precious animals we share our earth home with...There is enough human rights activist beating their drums for humans, I for many years, and will until my last breath, speak out for the voiceless.

  • Power Hits HD


    The purpose for this group is to provide insight, ideas, suggestions and valuable support. All information is considered valuable and is always taken into consideration in order to provide the best in musical entertainment.

  • Northern Soul


    A page for fans of the Northern Soul movement of the 60s

  • team wat

  • Centsible Cafe


    A place to find money saving coupons, freebies, recipes, decorating tips, crafts, and much more. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and come visit.

  • Stupid car group.


    And they called the Chevy Corvair unsafe at any speed! You can actually jump start this enviro weinies dream with your cell phone ! For my family we will take our gas guzzling 04 Ford Expedition any day ! Could you imagine a head on with my Expo and one of these feel good tree hugging pieces of cardboard , even at 25 mph it would be a massacre !

  • CoLodging Club


    CoLodging Club wants to open up the discussion of sharing one's living space with others. Let's talk about the benefits of living together rather than solo. Share ideas of best practices, share stories on how to make living together work and make connections.