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Group Search Results

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Your search yielded 70 results.

  • What it means to be American


    What is a nation and a people? Are borders important? Citizenship? Nationality? Patriotism? Culture, morals, laws? Vattel's "Natural Law and the Law of Nations", Plato's "Republic", and Smith's "Wealth of Nations" provide fuel for interesting discussions.

  • Counseling for Older Adults


    Discuss important mental and behavioral health issues that arise as Baby Boomers age.

  • Animal Rights & Supporter's


    It is appalling, the abuse and denial of a happy, pain free exsistence, animals in their thousands face daily...Some only catch a few breaths after birth, before they are murdered.Many because they were born the wrong sex...Many harvested solely for their flesh, We as their human carers have failed the precious animals we share our earth home with...There is enough human rights activist beating their drums for humans, I for many years, and will until my last breath, speak out for the voiceless.

  • Watkins Home Based Business Statesboro


    Sales and Recruiting Use the Products Share the Story No Animal Testing Eco-Friendly Responsible Production

  • Leominster Ma from the 50's on


    reconnecting with friends, classmates, bands, co-workers, old relationships

  • Hippie Commune Survivors!


    Looking for anybody who passed through the main gate of The Farm in Summertown Tennessee from 1974 to 1977. ANYbody. Also anyone from their satellite community in Homestead Florida during those same years.

  • Stupid car group.


    And they called the Chevy Corvair unsafe at any speed! You can actually jump start this enviro weinies dream with your cell phone ! For my family we will take our gas guzzling 04 Ford Expedition any day ! Could you imagine a head on with my Expo and one of these feel good tree hugging pieces of cardboard , even at 25 mph it would be a massacre !

  • Empty Nest what do I do now


    As many of us are now experiencing that feeling of "isn't there someone who needs my help?" Lets share, help, and find others who are experiencing the same feelings. Maybe we can help each other to solutions. I recently have been looking into foster care...?

  • The Science of Redox Signaling Molecules


    1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for advancing science in the discovery of Nitric Acid as a redox signaling molecules in the cardiovascular system Ongoing scientific research with thousands of research studies in this emerging field of science. Dr. Gary Samuelson, Atomic Medical Physicist who successfully stabilized redox signalling molecules in liquid form. Miracle breakthrough -Pharmaceutical company offered millions if redox stabilization success shut down. Never happened! No adverse reactions

  • Wine Lovers


    A place for wine lovers to connect, discuss wines and for virtual tastings! No need to be an expert...just enjoy drinking wine, sharing great conversations and food. Wine creates friendships.