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Group Search Results

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Your search yielded 70 results.

  • Clinton Bush Haiti Fund


    The critical needs in Haiti are great, but also simple: food, water, shelter, and first-aid supplies. The best way concerned citizens can help is to donate funds that will go directly to supplying these material needs. This fund will work to provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. Please give what you can. http://www.clintonbushhaitifund.org/

  • Writing is My Sanity!


    This group is open to any and all genres of writing. Please introduce yourself! Welcome and please contribute!

  • Angels


    Assisting folks in their hour of need. Negotiating with medical providers to avoid collections and come to reasonable payment terms. Providing legal assiatance to those who are fifty and older and or who suffer from illness. Central community site is legalbargain.net. (I use angelsarmsagency.com).

  • CNN Needs Boomers with WEIRD Jobs!


    Poppy Harlow (Anchor on CNN's Money) would like to hear from any Baby Boomers who have a unique or weird job for a series she is working on. Must be a job that is out of the ordinary. Contact me bcrowley@snabbo.com if interested.

  • Centsible Cafe


    A place to find money saving coupons, freebies, recipes, decorating tips, crafts, and much more. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and come visit.

  • Empty Nest what do I do now


    As many of us are now experiencing that feeling of "isn't there someone who needs my help?" Lets share, help, and find others who are experiencing the same feelings. Maybe we can help each other to solutions. I recently have been looking into foster care...?

  • Pauline Biblicists Society Fellowship


    Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Galatians 4:16

  • Animal Rights & Supporter's


    It is appalling, the abuse and denial of a happy, pain free exsistence, animals in their thousands face daily...Some only catch a few breaths after birth, before they are murdered.Many because they were born the wrong sex...Many harvested solely for their flesh, We as their human carers have failed the precious animals we share our earth home with...There is enough human rights activist beating their drums for humans, I for many years, and will until my last breath, speak out for the voiceless.

  • What it means to be American


    What is a nation and a people? Are borders important? Citizenship? Nationality? Patriotism? Culture, morals, laws? Vattel's "Natural Law and the Law of Nations", Plato's "Republic", and Smith's "Wealth of Nations" provide fuel for interesting discussions.

  • Center Senior High Class of 1971 Reunion


    This is for all alumni of 1971 to keep informed of the upcoming 40th reunion scheduled for the summer of 2011.